Campaigners give two cheers for the West Yorkshire Pension Fund with celebrations and a tug-of-war

On Saturday 8 June 2024 pensioners joined climate activists from the Fossil Free West Yorkshire campaign to celebrate an important step forward by the West Yorkshire Pension Fund. And to ask the pension fund to go further in the fight against climate change. 

Earlier this year the West Yorkshire Pension Fund announced that it will not invest any new money in oil, gas and coal companies. Those companies pollute the climate, which causes extreme weather that destroys people’s lives. Campaigners now want the pension fund to ‘divest the rest’ and pull out all of its current investments from fossil fuel companies. This is known as divestment. They also asked all parliamentary candidates in West Yorkshire to sign up as supporters of their campaign. 

At lunchtime in Bradford City Park, the campaigners held a symbolic tug-of-war to show that they will keep on campaigning for full divestment by the pension fund. The tug-of-war pitted fossil fuel companies and climate breakdown against renewable energy and a better future. Fossil Free West Yorkshire supporters also gave the pension fund two cheers to celebrate the progress made so far. Afterwards, they went for food and music to celebrate the partial success and listened to speakers who called for the fund to do more to prevent climate damage by ending all investments in fossil fuels. 

Aleem Bashir, Chief Executive of Bradford University’s Student Union, told the campaigners: “Bradford is the youngest city in the country and it’s our future that’s at risk from climate change. Everyone knows that we have to stop burning oil and gas, and make the switch to clean, renewable energy as soon as possible. There’s still time to prevent the worst effects of climate breakdown and build a better future but we need our leaders to act NOW.”

Nick Hodgkinson, from the Fossil Free West Yorkshire campaign, said: “Big organisations like the West Yorkshire Pension Fund can make a really positive difference. It’s great that they’re not putting new money into fossil fuels but they can do so much more! Big oil companies have been raking in the profits while the rest of us struggle with high energy bills. It’s time to take our pension savings away from those companies.”

Ali Stopher, a trade union member from Huddersfield, said: “My union, Unison, has called for divestment by all local government pension funds. Trade unionists have always wanted to create better conditions and a better future for ordinary working people. We know that our pension savings can be used for good rather than funding climate catastrophe. So let’s do it – stop funding the problem and start funding the solution.”

Notes for the Editor

WYPF announcement: the Pension Fund announced its decision to stop investing any new money in fossil fuels on 12 February 2024. The fund also said it will increase its investments in climate solutions, stop lending to the oil, gas and coal sector and review the impact of its attempts to persuade fossil fuel companies to switch away from oil and gas production.

General Election: Fossil Free West Yorkshire is calling on all parliamentary candidates in West Yorkshire to sign up as supporters of their campaign. 

Fossil Free West Yorkshire: the Fossil Free West Yorkshire campaign is calling for the West Yorkshire Pension Fund to divest from all fossil fuel investments. The campaign has support from a wide range of local residents, politicians, pension fund members and organisations across the region. All five West Yorkshire councils have passed motions calling on the West Yorkshire Pension Fund to divest from fossil fuels. The campaign is free to join and more information is available on our website.  

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